독일의 스포츠 전문 인터넷 매체인 Sport Intern지가 유치도시 별 인터뷰룰 통해 각 유치후보도시의 전략과 비전 그리고 전망에 대해 알아보고 있다.
먼저 첫 번째 순서로 안시(Annecy)에 대한 내용을 살펴보자.
![ANNECY 2018 - Ville candidate](http://annecy2018.com/fr/images/annecy-2018-logo.png)
The IOC Evaluation Commission in Annecy. (ATR)
1) 안시가 2018동계올림픽을 유치하고 싶은 이유는?
- 안시는 동계스포츠의 역사와, 문화, 열정이 살아있는 알프스의 심장이다.
- 개최 지역의 지속가능한 발전과 전세계 동계스포츠 성장을 이끌기 위해 유치 원한다.
- 선수들, CNOSF, IOC위원 Jean-Claude Killy와 Guy Drut, 중앙/지방 정부, 국민 모두 안시를 지지한다.
2) 안시의 차별점은?
- 우리의 비드는 알프스의 위대한 스포츠 유산을 선수들에게 도전정신을 불러일으키고, 대중의 상상력을 만족시킬 수 있는 올림픽으로 재통합이 가능하다.
- 2개의 메인 허브, Annecy와 Chamonix Mount Blanc에서 모든 설상, 빙상 경기 뿐만 아니라 주요 행사를 치름으로써, 알프스의 진면목을 느낄 수 있다.
- 알프스의 유산과 올림픽 무브먼트를 접목시킴으로써 IOC와의 협력을 통해 동계스포츠의 혁신적인 발전의 계기가 될 것이다.
3) 안시가 그리는 올림픽은 어떤 모습인가?
- 미디어, 파트너, 선수, 관람객 모두가 맛있는 음식과, 편안한 숙소, 안전, 여행 등을 즐기며, 진정한 알프스를 경함하기를 원한다.
- 2개의 메인 허브, Annecy와 Chamonix Mount Blanc에서 선수와 올림픽 패밀리 모두가 잊지 못 할 축제를 열 것이다.
4) 안시에는 선수출신이 많이 참여하는데, 그들의 역할은?
- 우리의 선수들이 초기단계부터 함께하여 행운이다.
- 핵심 팀을 부위원장인 Jean-Pierre Vidal과 Pernilla Wiberg 그리고 설상, 빙상 챔피언들로 구성함으로써 다른 팀원들에게 유치에 대한 동기를 부여하고 있다.
5) 유산의 측면에서 비드가 올림픽 무브먼트에 기여하는 점은?
- 전세계적으로 올림픽 무브먼트에 기여할 수 있는 유산에 대한 특정 프로젝트들을 가지고 있음
- 친환경 리조트, 선수들을 위한 국제 센터, 지속가능한 동계스포츠 행사를 위한 새로운 청사진 등이 포함되어 있다.
- 안시의 올림픽 유치는 알프스의 유산과 올림픽 무브먼트를 접목시킴으로써 동계스포츠의 혁신적인 혜택을 전세계로 고무시키는 계기가 될 것이다.
6) 프랑스에서 알프스의 유산과 동계스포츠 인구와 역사는 비드에서 어떤 비중을 차지하나?
- 1924년 Chamonix에서 첫 동계올림픽 개최는 올림픽의 불꽃을 일으키고 알프스를 전세계 동계스포츠 최고의 목적지로 탈바꿈하게 하는 것이다.
- Chamonix에서 첫 올림픽 이후 상황이 많이 변했으며, 올림픽 무브먼트와 알프스 유산을 접목함으로써 전세계 동계스포츠의 장기 성장을 이끌어 낼 수 있다.
7) 더반에서의 마지막 PT까지 비드를 위한 주안점은?
- 하나로 통합된 팀을 통해 올림픽 패밀리, 올림픽 무브먼트에 영향력있는 인물들과 접촉하며, 그들의 경험으로부터 배운 것을 우리의 계획에 담고 있다.
- Sport Accord, Lausanne에서 전략적인 PT를 통해 우리의 비전을 전달하는 것이다.,
8) 위원회에 참여하는 6개월이 너무 늦은 감이 있는데?
- 적합한 인재, 분위기, 동기가 있다면 늦은 것이 아니다.
- 시간이 많이 남아 있지 않지만, 우수한 팀과 훌륭한 비전으로 더욱 열심히 일 할 것이다.
- IOC EC 방문 이후 많은 진척이 있었으며, 우리가 지금까지 배운 것을 더반 이전까지 준비하며, 알프스의 심장 안시에서의 올림픽 개최가 대중의 상상력 이상의 축제 그리고 전세계 동계스포츠에 혜택이 될 것이라는 믿음을 공고히 할 것이다.
“Our bid is unique because it can reunite the sporting heritage
of the Alps with the power of the Olympic Games”
<A sport intern interview with Annecy 2018 President Charles Beigbeder>
1) Why is Annecy bidding for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games?
Annecy is a city, of great natural beauty, situated in the heart of the Alps,
with a rich history and culture and a deeply felt passion for Winter Sports. You
have to be in the mountains to really feel their aura ; so we want to bring the
world here for a celebration of authentic Winter Sports in 2018. We would love to
stage Games at the heart of the mountains that would inspire the sustainable
development of the region and inspire the growth of Winter Sports worldwide.
To help us do this there is heartfelt support for the bid from all of French
sporting life: athletes, the CNOSF, our IOC members Jean-Claude Killy and Guy
Drut, national and regional government and most importantly the public.
Olympism is in the blood of the French so there is a strong desire to work with the
Olympic Family to stage Games that would benefit Winter Sports everywhere.
2) What makes your bid unique?
Our bid is unique because it can reunite the great sporting heritage of The
Alps with the power of Olympic and Paralympic Games to stage a celebration that
will truely challenge athletes and capture the imagination of the public. We would
promise a celebration hosted by local communities who have been shaped and
guided by Olympism and would welcome visitors from different cultures and
nationalities with open arms.
As athletes have been centrally involved we can guarantee a Games with
sport at the top of every agenda and snow and ice events at each of our two, main,
beautiful hubs: Annecy and Chamonix Mount Blanc. This would allow spectators ,
athletes and of course the IOC to enjoy the widest possible range of sport,
ceremonies and celebration with a real Alpine flavour.
We believe the union of our mountain heritage and the Olympic Movement
would act as a springboard for innovative initiatives in Winter Sports developed
in partnership with the IOC.This would help pave the way towards the mountains
of the 21st Century and ensure a Games in Annecy would benefit Winter Sports all
over the world.
3) What will the Games be like in Annecy?
Our Games would provide a magnificent setting for media, partners,
athletes and spectators situated between the everlasting snows of the Mount Blanc
and the crystal clear waters of the Lake Annecy. We want everyone involved to
feel as though they are members of the Alpine family. We would offer an authentic
Alpine experience for all visitors who would enjoy amazing cuisine, comfortable
accommodation for every budget and safe and efficient travel. Our two main hubs
at Annecy and Chamonix Mount Blanc would stage a celebration of snow and ice
sports for every visitor with their compact design bringing all of the athletes and
Olympic family members together for a party they will never forget.
4) Athletes are heavily involved with Annecy 2018. What is their role?
We are fortunate that our athletes have been at the heart this project from
the outset. A core team is led by our Vice-Presidents: Jean-Pierre Vidal and
Pernilla Wiberg and comprises a range of champion snow and ice athletes. As
champions who have spent their life training, breaking records and winning
medals they have been driving the rest of the team on, day after day. The athletes
work extensively with us and played key roles during the recent IOC Evaluation
Commission Visit and take part in our presentations to the Olympic Movement.
5) What does the bid offer to the Olympic movement in terms of legacy?
Legacy is central to Annecy’s bid and vision for the Games. We understand
legacy must be more than just buildings. And that is why we are working so hard
to find new innovations to benefit Winter Sports worldwide. We have a range of
specific legacy projects we would want to work with the IOC in developing to
benefit the entire Olympic movement around the world. These would include: the
development of an Eco Resort model; an international centre of excellence for
athletes; and a new blueprint for others to follow in staging sustainable Winter
Sports events
Games in Annecy would give us the chance to reunite our rich mountain
heritage with the power of the Olympic movement to inspire innovation to
benefit Winter Sports worldwide. The thought of this legacy drives France on in
its bid for the 2018 Winter and Paralympic Games.
6) How important to the bid are the heritage of the Alps and the history
and popularity of Winter sports in France?
Chamonix hosted the first ever Winter Games in 1924; the Olympic Flame
has been burning for us ever since and we are eternally grateful that it has helped
The Alps become the number one winter sports destination in the world.
Things have changed since the first Games in Chamonix and we need to
think about the future of the Alps and mountains worldwide. That is why we want
to reunite the Olympic movement with our mountain heritage to inspire
innovation to support the long-term growth of winter sport and the mountain
economy all over the world.
7) What are you doing to promote the bid between now and the final
presentation in Durban?
We have thrown ourselves into the international phase of this campaign.
We have a united team with sport and the mountains in their hearts traveling the
world to engage with the Olympic family at sports events and Olympic meetings.
Wherever we go we are listening to influential people in the Olympic Movement,
learning from their experiences and integrating their feedback into our plans.
There are also crucial opportunities for set-piece presentations such as Sport
Accord and Lausanne where we can share our vision of authentic Games in the
heart of the mountains, with the athletes and for the future. We are in a three city
race with competitors whom we deeply respect but we will be doing all we can to
convince the IOC that Annecy 2018 would be the best hosts for Winter Sports all
over the world.
8) Coming on board with six months to go is rather late. Maybe too late?
With the right attitude, people and motivation it is never too late to achieve
things. I have come into this project later than others but I have found a skilful
team who are highly motivated and have a fantastic vision to share with the
Olympic Movement. With the short amount of time left we do not underestimate
what we have to do. It is a massive task but this will just mean we have to work
even harder and smarter.
We have been making progress since we had a very constructive IOC
Evaluation Commission visit. We’ve been traveling around the world, listening
and learning and are starting to receive some very positive feedback. There is
much to do before Durban but we are ready for it; spurred on by the belief that
Games in Annecy at the heart of the Alps would recapture the public’s imagination
and would benefit Winter Sports all over the world.
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