스포츠 영어2010. 9. 7. 10:43

(노태우 전 대통령이 SLOOC위원장 시절<좌-2>, 고 이영호 체육부장관<좌-1> 및 방한 중인 모리타니아 체육성장관<우-1>사이에서 불어 통역 중인 필자<우-2>/1983년)

1. 군대에서 쓰는 주요 일상용어 영어표현

1)기간요원: cadre/essential member/key personnel
2)기도비닉: secrecy
3)기동타격부대: mobile striking forces
4)긴급동원: emergency mobilization
5)내무반: squad room/quarters/section in barracks
6)노획품/전리품: booty/trophy of war
7)뇌관: primer/blasting cap
8)늦어도 몇시까지: no later than(NLT)
9)당번: duty status
10)당직사관: duty officer
11)도하작전: river crossing operation
12)동굴: cave hole
13)동상: frost bite
14)들것: lifter
15)등고선: contour line
16)등고선 간격: contour interval
17)등급승격: upgrade
18)등급강등: downgrade
19)마감일자: cut-off date
20)만기전역: full-time discharge
21)매점: P.X.(Post Exchange)
22)무능력자: noneffective
23)무단이탈: absence without leave(AWOL)
24)무반동총: recililess rifle(RR)
25)무차별 폭격지대: blind bombing zone
26)미결수: unsentenced prisoner
27)밀집대형: mass formation
28)밀집종대: close column
29)반납증: turn-in slip
30)발표예정: TBA(to be announced)
31)방독면: protective mask/gas mask
32)방위각: azimuth angle
33)방위각편차: azimuth deviation
34)방위병: stand by replacement
35)방위소집: defense call
36)방풍안경: goggles
37)배낭: haversack/knapsack
38)배속: attach
*배치: disposition
*배포: distribution
39)백병전: hand to hand combat
40)병력: strength
41)병참: quarter master(QM)
42)보직: duty assignment
43)보초: sentry/sentinel
44)봉쇄: blockade
45)부동액: anti-freezer solution
46)불꽃신호: pyrotechnic signal
47)불발탄: dud
48)불시착: forced landiong
49)불침번: night watch
50)불출증: issue slip
51)비고: remarks
52)비밀등급: classification
53)비밀취급: handling of classified material
54)비상식량: emergency ration
55)비상연락망: alert plan
56)비축물자: stackpile
57)비품: fixture
58)사각지대: dead zone
59)사병: enlisted man(EM)
60)사용불가: unserviceability
61)사주방어: all around defense


Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)