[Putin 러시아대통령의 크레믈린 대화 녹취록 발췌정리]
SportIntern지가 9월 17일 자 기사에서 크레믈린 홈페이지에서 인용한(as quoted from Putin’s Kremlin homepage) Vladimir Putin 러시아 대통령과 Alexander Zhukov 러시아 NOC위원장 겸 IOC위원 간의 Rio2016올림픽 등 과 관련한 대회 내용 녹취록을 발췌하여 요약 정리하여 소개 합니다.
(Russian Flag)
*Vladimir Putin: (Rio2016 올림픽 전반적 평가에 대한 질문과 향후 러시아스포츠 발전 실행계획에 NOC 의 적극참여 당부)
-Mr Zhukov, we already discussed the results of the Olympic Games at meetings at the Sports Ministry, and the Government and individual sports federations.
-I agreed to meet with you separately though as head of our national Olympic committee to discuss this subject.
-What is your assessment?
-Do you see any new problems or issues?
-I would like us to get away from the overall political cost and just focus on the sports development problems.
-We are preparing for the Council for Physical Culture and Sports’ meeting in October.
-I hope the national Olympic committee will take an active part in the preparations and in the Council meeting itself.
*Alexander Zhukov: (Rio2016올림픽 자체평가 결과 중간보고 및 대통령 당부사항 이행의지 표명)
(Alexander Zhukov/출처: insidethe games)
-Yes, Mr. President, we will certainly prepare for this.
-The various federations are currently reviewing the Olympic results and we will present our report at the Council meeting.
-Overall, I think our team performed very well.
-Faced with difficult conditions, the majority of our federations managed to put together very good teams.
-The athletes themselves demonstrated determination to win and truly great skill in what was not the simplest situation, and I think that our results at these Olympic Games were not bad at all.
-We will report to you in detail on all of these matters.
-In our view, the main result of these Games is the tremendous interest in sport that we see in many parts of the country.
-Our Olympic athletes have returned home now.
-Our medallists are getting rapturous receptions and large numbers of children are now joining sports clubs.
-This is simply wonderful to see.
*Vladimir Putin: (집단 스포츠/mass sport 중요성 강조 및 향후 증진 방안 의견피력과 Zhukov 소속 지역 문의)
-One very important aspect of high performance sport is that it can do so much to promote mass sport and spark interest in sport and a healthy lifestyle.
-You are also a State Duma deputy and Duma deputy speaker.
-Which region are you running in now?
*Alexander Zhukov:(러시아 두 지역집단 스포츠 책임자임을 보고)
-I head the United Russia group in Novosibirsk and Omsk.
*Vladimir Putin: (두 지역의 훌륭한 프로그램 치하 및 시베리아 지역 등 향후 스포츠시설보완 계획 문의)
-Novosibirsk and Omsk both have very good programmes for sports development and building the necessary infrastructure.
-After all, it is not possible to develop sports, especially mass sport, without proper facilities and indoor sports arenas, and this is particularly true in Siberia.
-Are you updated on what is planned in this area there?
*Alexander Zhukov: (시베리아를 포함한 3개 지역 출신 선수들의 Rio2016올림픽에서 우수성적 거양실적 보고 및 이에 따른 유소년들의 활발한 대상 종목 참여열기 영향 보고)
-Yes, Mr. President. What’s interesting is that athletes from Novosibirsk,
Omsk and Siberia in general performed with great success at these Olympics. By the way, we have two Olympic champions from Novosibirsk.
(출처: insidethegames)
-One is Roman Vlasov in Greco-Roman wrestling, who is now two-time Olympic champion and following in the footsteps of Alexander Karelin.
-Our fencers performed very well too.
-Yulia Gavrilova won.
-You can’t imagine the huge number of children signing up to do fencing after this.
-A new fencing centre has opened now, but even this is not enough to fit everyone.
-That’s just to show how great an impact the Olympic Games and the examples of our top athletes have had.
-The same is true in Omsk.
-They have a strong school of rhythmic gymnastics there. Vera Biryukova was part of the winning rhythmic gymnastics team and we are now seeing a great influx of children wanting to take up rhythmic gymnastics too.
-It is good that Novosibirsk and Omsk are both carrying out the programme to build physical fitness and health centres.
-I think the programme to rebuild gyms in rural schools is also a particularly important initiative as this is essentially the only chance the children there have to practice sports.
-We who were in the outgoing Duma and in United Russia think that these two programmes, the one to build fitness and health centres and swimming pools, and particularly the programme to repair rural school gyms and village stadiums, are very effective.
-They make it possible for children to practice sport, and not for just children, but for the entire population to lead a healthy lifestyle.
-I think it important to continue these programmes.
-They have great support among the local people.
*Vladimir Putin: (러시아 제반 지역들에 대한 스포츠강화를 위한 지원필요성 강조 및 10월 개최 러시아 스포츠 평의회에 적극적 참가 당부와 기여할 아이디어 여부문의)
-We must help the regions and municipalities to carry out these plans.
-Let’s get back to the Sports Council. I ask you to take part in the upcoming meeting’s preparations.
-Do you have any thoughts or proposals on this subject?
*Alexander Zhukov: (각 종목 별 개인선수 활성화 프로그램을 통한 목표지향적 준비 필요성 건의 및 세부계획 추후 브리핑 계획 언급)
-Yes, I do have some thoughts.
-As I said, most of the federations produced good results, but in some cases we do need to recommend that certain decisions be made.
-I can say that overall, the system of goal-focused preparation according to individual programmes for the different sports disciplines has proven its worth.
-This ensured an individual approach to the athletes.
-We will brief you on this.
*Vladimir Putin: (러시아 올림픽참가선수들과 메달리스트 면담 시 그들의 구체적 요구사항에 따른 개선방안 및 제안 안 마련 지시)
-Ok. I met with the Olympic athletes and, if you recall, some of them, even some of the gold medallists, made concrete requests and noted that much still needs to be done to develop some sports (handball, for example, and other sports). Let’s not forget this.
-I want you to examine and summarise these requests and formulate proposals on what to do next.
*Alexander Zhukov: (선수들 요구사항 반영 방안과 제안내용 마련 후 보고 언급 및 주요 스포츠 행사 러시아 유치의 중요성 강조와 정부의 강력지원 필요성 건의/IIHF Rene Fasel 회장의 러시아의 아이스하키에 대한 애정 인식언급 보고와 아울러 아이스하키 애호지역에 대한 노후 된 아이스하키경기장 신축 건의)
(Rene Fasel)
-We will do this, Mr. President, and will report back on the situation in the different sports.
-In cases where greater state support is needed in terms of building important sports facilities and so on, we will draft and present proposals.
-I think that holding major sports events in Russia is also very important. Novosibirsk, as you know (we discussed this at the last State Council meeting), dreams of hosting the world youth ice hockey championship.
-You expressed support for this idea.
-The Government has already approved a decision to support the bid and the matter is now in the hands of the International Ice Hockey Federation.
-Rene Fasel [President of the International Ice Hockey Federation] knows how much we love ice hockey in Novosibirsk and supports our bid too.
-I hope very much that this decision will be approved and that we will carry out our project to build a new ice hockey stadium.
-This is essential for an ice hockey-loving city like Novosibirsk because the current stadium dates from the 1970s and has become rather outdated and worn out.
-I think this is an important project.
*Vladimir Putin: (동 계획이 이행될 것임을 희망)
-I hope this will all be carried out.
*Alexander Zhukov: (감사표명)
-Thank you.
-Sport Intern 9월17일 자 기사
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