스포츠 외교2021. 6. 9. 16:11

[아뿔싸! 호주 Brisbane2032년올림픽 610()IOC집행위원회 최종개최지확정 초읽기 이대로 끝나나?]


호주의 QueenslandBrisbane610() IOC집행위원회 최종일 IOC미래유치위원회(FHC)Brisbane2032유치위원회와의 검증 결과를 발표하게 되어 있다.


이미 IOC가 지향하고 있는 모든 조건들을 충족하고 100여 건이 넘는 호주 각급 정부의 보증서(Guarantees)IOC에 제출된 것으로 보아 610IOC집행위원회는 Brisbane2032를 최종 승인하고 오는 720Tokyo2020올림픽 개회식 3일 전에 열리는 IOC총회에서 단독 후보 상정이 거의 확실해 보이는 것으로 외신은 보도하고 있다.


따라서 Brisbane203290%이상(9부능선)에 이미 올라섰다고 보는 관측이 우세하다.

서울-평양2032공동유치의 경우 지금까지 전방위적으로 미온적인 대처와 핵심을 찌르는 스포츠외교전략구사 결여로 인해 Thomas Bach IOC위원장을 설득시키는데 사실상 실패함으로 아쉬움과 안타까움이 남는다.


물론 610일 기적적으로 Brisbane2032의 결정적 하자가 지적될 경우 막판 미세한 희망을 잡을 수도 있겠지만 호주의 IOC부위원장인 John Coates의 능수능란하고 타이밍을 뺏는 체인지 업 작전을 극복하기에는 한국의 현재 스포츠외교력과 인맥 활용이 안타깝다.


2036년 올림픽 또한 녹록치 않을 전망인데, 2032년에서 탈락한 후보지들과 나머지 유럽의 강호들도 유치에 뛰어들게 된다면 한국의 스포츠외교를 이끌 사령탑이 절치부심하는 자세로 흑묘백묘’, ‘내편 네 편가리지 않고 지금부터 전방위적으로 전열을 재정비하여 유치위원회 조기 구성을 통해 유치작전에 돌입하여야 해 볼만할 것이다.   


다음은 외신에 보도된 내용이다:


IOC Executives Could Approve Brisbane 2032 Olympic Bid Thursday


Brisbane’s 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games bid could get approval from the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Executive Board as early as Thursday when the high-ranking body concludes an important virtual meeting that includes a report from the Future Host Commission.


IOC President Thomas Bach chairs IOC Executive Board virtually in Lausanne for the February 24, 2021 meeting (Photo: Greg Martin/IOC)


With the report, Australia’s bid for its third Olympics is scheduled to be discussed on the final day of the programme that will also include the status of preparations for next month’s Tokyo 2020 Games on Wednesday and the unveiling of the Refugee Olympic team Tuesday.  If Brisbane is approved by the Executive Board, the IOC Session will likely give the project its final rubberstamping when the members meet July 20th in Tokyo.

The Executive Board will also meet once more ahead of the Session, on July 17 in Tokyo.

Last month IOC Vice President John Coates confirmed that Brisbane 2032 was in the final lap towards its election as host city for the Games.

He said “IOC due diligence testing of every element of the Brisbane project is now underway.”

“If this diligence yields a positive final report, the proposal to host the Games in 2032 will go to a vote of the full IOC membership.”

On Monday, remarks made by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk provided further evidence that Brisbane’s election in Tokyo is likely.  She told local media regarding her first COVID-19 vaccination “there may be a requirement for the state to present to the whole Olympics committee [in Tokyo next month] about the Olympics, and I would’ve been unvaccinated and that is why I had the Pfizer.”

Although the Premier could easily present by video, her physical presence may be required to sign the host agreement immediately following the election.

Coates, who also serves as president of the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) and is on the IOC Executive Board, will be excluded from discussions and a possible vote Thursday due to a conflict-of-interest.

Brisbane could be the first Summer Games host elected under a new bid process introduced in 2019 that eliminates head-to-head bidding and fosters a collaborative but behind-the-curtains approach without fixed timelines.  Coates was the key architect behind the new reforms even as Brisbane was developing its project, an issue that raised conflict-of-interest concerns when the Australian city was named the IOC’s preferred candidate in February.

Brisbane was selected from among other developing bids representing Indonesia, India, Qatar, Germany and North and South Korea.  If the IOC’s due diligence determines that Brisbane is not ready to host, these other jurisdictions that have already entered discussions with the Future Host Commission could be reconsidered for 2032. However, it has been clear from rhetoric coming from IOC officials that there is a commitment to have Brisbane elected.

The bid has received strong, high-level support and during a presentation to IOC members in March Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in a pre-recorded message “Every level of Government is working together to deliver Brisbane 2032.”

Morrison, joined by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, Brisbane Mayor Adrian Schrinner and Coates added “We will leave nothing to chance as we work with you during this period of targeted dialogue.”

“We want to be a trusted, thorough and reliable partner of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee.”

Australia last hosted the Games in 2000 in Sydney and previously staged the event in 1956 in Melbourne.

The 2024 edition is scheduled to open in Paris while the 2028 event will be hosted in Los Angeles – a third Games for both cities.




-IOC website

Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)