스포츠 외교2023. 9. 30. 16:30

[세계스포츠지도자들과 각국 대통령 및 국왕 등 국내외VVIP들이 본 "윤강로"(Rocky YOON Kang-Ro)스포츠외교관에 대하여(Recommendations and References by World Leaders through my Book Publications)]


40년간 국제스포츠외교활동 중 집필한 영어 및 한국어 책 출간을 게기로 각국 대통령-국왕-Royal Family-IOC위원장-IOC위원등 수많은 국내 및 세계 지도자들로부터 분에 넘치는 찬사와 칭송의 메시지를 받아 왔습니다


보내온 메시지 중심으로 일부만 추려 보면 다음과 같습니다:


1)  Thomas Bach IOC위원장

2)  한승수 前 UN총회 의장 겸 전 국무총리

3)  이건희 IOC위원 겸 삼성그룹회장

4)  김운용 전 IOC부위원장 겸 세계태권도연맹(WTF)창설 총재 겸 GAISF회장 겸 KOC위원장/대한체육회장

5)  Mario Vazquez Rana ANOC 창설 회장 겸 IOC집행위원(멕시코)

6)  Kevan Gosper IOC언론보도위원장 겸 ONOC회장 겸 IOC위원(호주)

7)  박용성 국제유도연맹(IJF)회장 겸 IOC위원 겸 KOC위원장/대한체육회장

8)  Gerhard Heiberg IOC마케팅위원장 겸 IOC집행위원 겸 Lillehammer1994동계올림픽조직위원장 겸 2010동계올림픽 IOC평가위원장(노르웨이)

9)  장웅 북한 IOC위원 겸 ITF총재

10)             Sergey Bubka IOC선수위원장 겸 IOC집행위원 겸 우크라이나 NOC위원장

11)             Gilbert Felli IOC올림픽대회 수석 국장

12)             Sh. Magvan 몽골 IOC위원

13)             조정원 세계태권도연맹(WT)총재

14)             Mme. Els Van Breda Vriesman 국제하키연맹(FIH)회장 겸 IOC위원(네덜란드)

15)              Mme. Anita DeFrantz IOC여성과 스포츠위원장 겸 IOC부위원장 겸 Montreal1976올림픽 조정 동메달리스트

16)             Hein Verbruggen 국제사이클연맹(UCI) GASIF-SportAccord회장 겸 2008 올림픽 IOC평가위원장 겸 IOC조정위원장 겸 IOC위원(네덜란드)

17)             Mme. Barbara Kendall 선수출신 IOC위원(뉴질랜드)

18)             Mme, Francoise ZWEIFEL IOC 사무총장 겸 IOC올림픽박물관장

19)             Mr. Tommy Sithole IOC집행위원 겸 ANOCA사무총장 겸 IOC국제협력국장(짐바브웨)

20)             Princess Royale Anne공주 IOC위원선출위원회 위원장 겸 IOC위원(영국)

21)             Mr. Henry A. Kissinger IOC명예위원 겸 前 미국 국무장관

22)             HM Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands 네덜란드 국왕 겸 명예 IOC위원

23)             H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco 모나코 국왕 겸 IOC위원

24)             The Grand Duke of Luxembourg 룩셈부르크 대공 겸 IOC위원

25)             Prof. Dr. h.c. Berthold BEITZ 독일 IOC명예위원

26)             Mr. Joao HAVELANGE IOC종신 IOC위원 겸 전 FIFA회장(브라질)

27)             반기문 제8 UN사무총장(사진)

28)             Peter Ueberroth LA1984올림픽조직위원회 위원장 겸 USOC위원장(미국/사진)

29)             Dr. Jacques Rogge 8 IOC위원장

30)             국제 및 글로벌 스포츠지도자 추모 사진 종합



First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to extend to you my personal greetings.

Reminiscing good old memories, I have compiled some of the valuable recommendations and references gathered through my 40 years’ services in the Olympic Movement as follows:


1)  Foreword by IOC President Thomas Bach:

2)  Recommendation by H.E. Seung-Soo HAN (Former President of UN General Assembly, and Former Prime Minister/Bid Committee President-PyeongChang2014)

3)  Recommendation by Mr. Kun Hee LEE, IOC Member and Chairman of Sam Sung Group

4)  Recommendation by Dr. Un-Yong KIM, former IOC Vice President, GAISF & ARISF President, WTF President, KOC President, IOC TV Commission Chairman

5)  Recommendation by Mr. Mario Vazquez Rana, ANOC President and IOC Executive Board Member

6)  Recommendation by Mr. Kevan Gosper, IOC member in Australia, IOC Press Commission Chairman and ONOC President


7)  Recommendation by Mr. Yong-Sung PARK, Former IOC Member and IJF & KOC President

8)  Recommendation by Mr. Gerhard Heiberg, IOC EB member in Norway, IOC Marketing Commission Chairman and IOC Evaluation Commission Chairman for 2010 OWG

9)  Recommendation by Mr. Ung CHANG, IOC Member in DPR Korea and International Taekwondo Federation(ITF) President


10)             Recommendation by Mr. Sergey Bubka, IOC Member in Ukraine and former IOC Athletes Commission Chairman

11)             Recommendation by Mr. Gilbert Felli, IOC Executive Director of Olympic Games

12)             Recommendation by Mr. Sh. Magvan, IOC Member in Mongolia

13)             Recommendation by Dr. Chungwon Choue, President of World Taekwondo

14)             Recommendation by Mme. Els Van Breda Vriesman, IOC Member in Netherlands and FIH President

15)             Recommendation by Mme. Anita DeFrantz, IOC Member in the United States, Chair of IOC Women and Sport

16)             Recommendation by Mr. Hein Verbruggen, IOC Member in Netherlands, UCI and SportAccord President and Chairman of IOC Evaluation Commission for 2008 Olympics

17)             Recommendation by Ms. Barbara Kendall, IOC Member in New Zealand

18)             Recommendation by Mme, Francoise ZWEIFEL, IOC Secretary General and Olympic Museum Director

19)             Recommendation by Mr. Tommy Sithole, IOC member in Zimbabwe, Secretary general of the ANOCA and IOC Director of International Cooperation

20)             References by Princess Royale

21)             References by Mr. Henry A. Kissinger, ION Honor Member in the United States

22)             References by HM Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, IOC Honorary Member

23)             References by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco

24)             References by The Grand Duke of Luxembourg, IOC Member in Luxembourg

25)             References by Prof. Dr. h.c. Berthold BEITZ, IOC Honorary Member in Germany

26)             References by Mr. Joao HAVELANGE, Lifetime IOC Member in Brazil and FIFA President

27)             Photo References by Hon. Ki-Moon BAN, 8th UN Secretary General

28)             Photo Reference by Mr. Peter Ueberroth, LAOOC1984 & USOC President

29)             In Memory of Dr. Jacques ROGGE, the 8th IOC President

30)             In Memory of the Deceased International & Global Sports Leaders


Attached please find them for your references as under.

In the meantime, may I take this opportunity to thank you once again for your insightful and impeccable leadership, and look forward to the pleasure of further serving the Olympic Movement in the same spirit and manner as in the past.


[Recommendations and References for Prof. Rocky YOON Kang-Ro by World Leaders through my Book Publications]


So far I have published about 20+ books during my 40 years’ services in the Olympic Movement.





The International Sport Diplomacy Institute, equipped with its status as non-profit NGO, was created in 2004 right after I decided to tender a voluntary resignation from the Korean Olympic Committee as its Deputy Secretary General in order to further focus on the second PyeongChang Bid as Secretary General of the Bid Committee for the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games following its first attempt for 2010 OWG which had been beaten by Vancouver 2010 bid by a narrow margin of 56:53 at the second round ballot of the IOC Session in Prague 2003.


The main Work Scope of the ISDI included but not limited to the compiling, summarizing and analyzing the international sporting trend and news on a daily basis along with the publication of the English News Letters titled “SOS” (Spot Light On Sport Life) on a weekly basis. And in 2008, I launched my blog titled “Sport World” delivering the summary with corresponding short analysis of the news and topics of the daily international sport world. The year 2024 will mark the 20th anniversary of the activities of the ISDI.





My first-ever book written in 2006 was titled “War without Gunfire” which dealt with stories and episodes I experienced at first hand in the global Olympic Movement. And the above book publication (book presentation) ceremony took place at the Press Center building downtown in Seoul





At the book presentation ceremony, Hon. Seung-Soo HAN, who assumed the role as Chairman of the UN General Assembly-Foreign Affairs Minister-Korean Ambassador to the United States and National Assembly member was President of the PyeongChang2014 Bid Committee, who was, later on, appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea. And he spoke well of me at his address with so many praises. At that time, I also served as Secretary General of the PyeongChang2014 Bid Committee. I still vividly remember like I smell the fresh paint! I would like to express my special thanks to H.E. Seung-Soo HAN.




(With Hon. Seung-Soo HAN/former President of UN General Assembly and Former Prime Minister)



While I was compiling documents, I found some of the recommendations on the occasion of my book publications including that of IOC President Thomas Bach as recently as the year 2020 about my latest book titled “True Records and Stories of Korea Sport Diplomacy, ‘The New Horizons’”. Reminiscing good old memories, I would like to share with as follows:



1.  Foreword by IOC President Thomas Bach:





{Foreword for True Records and Stories of Korea Sport Diplomacy “The New Horizons”}


(By) Thomas Bach President

It only seems like yesterday that we were celebrating a world united by sport in peaceful competition at the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang

2018. The magic of Olympic sport on snow and ice, the unforgettable performances by the athletes and the wonderful hospitality of the Korean people

and will live on in our hearts forever. The Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 also sent a powerful message of peace from the Korean Peninsula

to the world. That moment came when the athletes from the National Olympic Committees of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of

Korea entered the Olympic stadium as one team, behind one flag, the Korean Unification flag. This one moment demonstrated the unique power of sport to

unite the whole world in peace. To me, this is the most powerful message of the Olympic Games. With these powerful symbols in PyeongChang, we have

seen how the Olympic Games can open the way to dialogue. This moment did not happen by chance. It was the result of a long process of negotiations and

high-level government engagement by the International Olympic Committeethat began back in 2014 and lasted until a few hours before this unforgettable

Opening Ceremony. We know that sport alone cannot create peace. But as we saw in PyeongChang, the Olympic Games can open the way to a more peaceful future. This power of sport to unite the world in peaceful competition is a central theme in this insightful book that chronicles the history of the Olympic Movement in the Republic of Korea. My personal connection with the Korean people began during the Olympic Games Seoul 1988. At the time, I was the athletes’ representative on the Games’ steering committee. This early contact with the Koreans and the Korean culture left a lasting impression on me that

continues to this day. It is in this context that I got to know and appreciate Rocky Kang-Ro Yoon as a leading figure in Korean sport. Building on his great

knowledge on the Olympic Movement, he is ideally placed to share his many accounts of the rich Korean sporting history and the role that sport can play to

make the world a better place. In order to shape the future, one needs to understand the past. This is why this book is a timely contribution to inspire the

next generation of sport leaders with the lessons of the past, as they shape our way forward.


2) Recommendation by H.E. Seung-Soo HAN (Former President of UN General Assembly, and Former Prime Minister/Bid Committee President-PyeongChang2014)


*Summary: “Rocky YOON’s knowledge, data and experiences are not simply his own individual asset, but an invaluable asset for entire Korean sport circles in a professional spirit and manner. His book is providing vivid stories to many of us that we never experienced. I am confident that he will continue to play a bigger role so that Korea would be better showcased in many other areas through sport in general and the success of the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games in particular. ” (Translated and Summarized from original Korean version)



(Second from left: Hon. Seung-Soo HAN)



3)  Recommendation by Mr. Kun Hee LEE, IOC Member and Chairman of Sam Sung Group


*Summary: “Congratulations on Rocky YOON’s book publication containing his 20 plus years’ vivid experiences on the international sport diplomacy field with his sense of humor and wits. He has participated in 10 editions of the Olympic Games and served as a first Asian IOC Evaluation Commission Member for the Olympic Games 2008, thus representing Asia as an Olympic Ambassador. He opened the International Sport Diplomacy Institute and PyeongSan Private Sport Museum which helped to greatly contribute to the sport development of Korea as well.” (Translated and Summarized from original Korean version)



(Mr. Kun Hee LEE and Rocky YOON during TV Interview)




(Pyeongsan Sports Museum)




4)  Recommendation by Mr. Mario Vazquez Rana, ANOC President and IOC Executive Board Member



 *Summary: “Congratulations on your book publication. The issues included in the text are very diverse and reflect your experiences in activities such as management in the Korean Olympic Committee, the responsibility as Chef de Mission, participation in the Organizing Committees of important international and Olympic sports events held in Korea, representation of the Korean Olympic Committee in many other meetings and congresses, as well as collaboration and support provided to other NOCs, Those who become involved in the wonderful world of Olympism will be able to obtain very useful conclusions from this experience of more than 20 years Please receive my congratulations on the work done. I am certain this material will help to promote further the principles and values on which the Olympic ideal worldwide is based upon. Please receive my best regards.” (Summarized from original English version once translated from Spanish)



(With ANOC President Mario Vazquez Rana)




5)  Recommendation by Dr. Un-Yong KIM, former IOC Vice President, GAISF & ARISF President, WTF President, KOC President, IOC TV Commission Chairman



*Summary: “Congratulations on a book publication. Rocky YOON is indeed a talented asset in the Korean sport history with skills in foreign languages, congenial affinity, and foresightedness with which he greatly contributed to the successful staging of many multi-international Games that Korea hosted. He actively and friendly demonstrated his outstanding skills all over the world, thus upgrading the status and image-making of Korea, I am confident that he will emerge as an exemplary sport diplomat and prominent leader in the global Olympic Movement sooner than later.” (Translated and summarized from original Korean version)





 (With Dr. Un-Yong KIM)



6)  Recommendation by Mr. Keven Gosper, IOC member in Australia, IOC Press Commission Chairman and ONOC President


 *Summary: “I have known Rocky YOON for quite a long time. Rocky is an enthusiastic and optimistic friend with overall skills and qualities who can achieve anything. He deserves my respect. He is a man of devotion and responsibilities to do the job running the gamut from PR, international relations, through smoothly organizing international sports events, to useful advices, you name it. I am sure that Rocky, therefore, must be one of the best known sport Ambassador in Korea.

I can trust him as a colleague with his challenging spirts and his devoted attitudes which always made things well achieved. What impressed me most was his far-reaching knowledge and insightfulness about the International Federations, NOCs, Olympic Games, and overall Olympic Movement to say the least. Rocky is indeed a globally recognized person in the sport world.” (Retranslated from Korean version which was once translated from the English version)




                     (With Mr. Keven GOSPER)


 (ANOC President Dr. Robin Mitchell, Rocky YOON and ANOC Secretary General Mme. Gunilla Lindberg)



7)  Recommendation by Mr. Yong-Sung PARK, Former IOC Member and IJF & KOC President



*Summary: “Secretary General Rocky YOON has been a sustainable human landmark from Korea having represented the Olympic Movement across the world. He is ubiquitous and no one will dispute the fact that Rocky deserves to be defined as International Friendship Ambassador in the international sport world. Secretary General YOON has a strong and influential grip over the global map, and advanced the rights and benefits of the Olympic Movement with corresponding influences above and beyond the cultures, thus referring to as Mr. Invincible in the working group level. What is more important is that he has achieved such results with the unprecedented degree of passion and intensity.

Having started his challenges while getting involved with the organization of the Seoul 1986 Asian Games as well as Seoul1988 Olympic Games, Rocky has accumulated his power with pride, honor, and ethical reputation transcending the differences of generations of the entire sportspeople around the globe. There have been a number of globally prosperous sports figures from Korea in the Olympic Movement, the case of Rocky YOON is particularly unique in that he has smoothly expanded his capabilities and the fruitful results of influence as an individual. Memories about sport in Korea for those who once visited must have been formed through the human warmth, intelligence and generosity experienced at first hand with Rocky YOON. Most parts of the Korean history, culture, and reputation have been disseminated through Rocky YOON. Rocky YOON is Korea’s beating ‘Heart and Soul’. (Translated from original Korea version)”






             (With Mr. Yong-Sung PARK)




8)  Recommendation by Mr. Gerhard Heiberg, IOC EB member in Norway, IOC Marketing Commission Chairman and IOC Evaluation Commission Chairman for 2010 OWG


 “I congratulate you on your book and I could be quoted on the following:

I have known Mr. Rocky Kang-Ro YOON for many, many years. He is an absolute asset to international sports and especially to the international Olympic Movement. His experiences and knowledge of international sports are of great value and his sense of humor makes it always interesting to be with him. I would like to wish him good lucj with his book and with his many plans for the future.


Sincerely yours,


Gerhard Heiberg”



(With Mr. Gerhard Heiberg)




9)  Recommendation by Mr. Ung CHANG, IOC Member in DPR Korea and International Taekwondo Federation(ITF) President



*Summary: As I hear that Prof. Rocky YOON Kang-Ro who is President of the International Sport Diplomacy Institute is publishing a book compiling the stories of the history of sport diplomacy and his own experiences despite the fact that there will be more opportunities, lessons and the road of experiences in the future, I feel how fast the time flies with no exception.

Over the past 30 years of the vicissitudes of powerful politics, historical environment, the sport diplomacy could be defined as inerasable records by Prof. Rocky YOON Kang-Ro who has immensely contributed to the advancement and pioneering of the North-South Korean sports relations with an aim to realize “One Korea” and its Unification through sport. Currently Rocky YOON Kang-Ro temporarily stepped aside from the front line of sport diplomacy due to unavoidable circumstances, but time will surely come for him to deploy his unmatched talents and skills accumulated through his experiences and friendly human interactions in the foreseeable future. At the very moment of such timing, I am awaiting his even better and more brilliant activities and remarkable contribution on a higher level in the sport diplomacy field in the same manner and spirit as in the past. I wish that his book would serve as a textbook providing the next generation with good lessons and life values of sport diplomacy, even though his valuable writings could not contain the real-time facts in a proper manner under some difficult circumstances. I am confident that this book will receive warm and sincere support from all walks of life including sportspeople who expect the leading role in realizing the national unification. (Translated from the original Korean version) 





(With Mr. Ung CHANG, IOC member in DPR Korea)




10)             Recommendation by Mr. Sergey Bubka, IOC Member in Ukraine and former IOC Athletes Commission Chairman


“First of all, I wish to congratulate on your book publication. Book publishing is a great work of art, and I would like to read that book. I know you are an expert and specialist as far as sport is concerned. You have already served, contributing for such a long time to the advancement and promotion of the Olympic Movement, and you deserve highest praise in terms of sport diplomacy in that you have served and devoted yourself to the development of the Olympic Movement through your National Olympic Committee. I consider it a great pride and joy to share with you such memorable and enjoyable experiences as IOC Evaluation Commission members together for the 2008 Olympics in which I admired your outstanding competence, profundity, expertise, and knowledge about the Olympic world. As for me, it was considerably effective and pleasant experiences to work with many consummate experts in the IOC Evaluation Commission like yourself. Through that international activities, we became mutual friends and I am proud of the fact that we still share goodwill friendship. I am certain that your book will enjoy high popularity and favorable reviews not only from sportspeople, but also world-wide general public.” (Retranslated from Korean version once already translated from the original English version)




(With Mr. Sergey Bubka)




11)             Recommendation by Mr. Gilbert Felli, IOC Executive Director of Olympic Games



 *Summary: “I am proud and pleased to learn that my friend Rocky YOON is publishing his book about sport diplomacy and the Olympic Movement based on the stories about his experiences on the spot. I think his book must have reflected as real as his brilliant activities performed in the sport world. I believe that his book will serve as valuable references to all Korean people who are interested in sport and the Olympic Movement. This new pioneering project is his completed crystal of Rocky YOON’s erudite and comprehensive knowledge and ideas. So many people in the Olympic Movement have already benefited from Rocky YOON’s immeasurable and diverse ideas for such a long time. We are much grateful to Rocky YOON, and I hope all the readers should recognize the important values of this book” (Retranslated from the Korean version once already translated from the original English version)



(With Mr. Gilbert FELLI)





12)              Recommendation by Mr. Sh. Magvan, IOC Member in Mongolia



 *Summary: “I was very glad to be given an opportunity to visit the Sport Museum built by Dr. Rocky YOON who is may long-time friend. In addition, I would like pay my respect to him for his contribution to the promotion of the Olympic Movement and his enthusiasm to have created his “PyeongSan Private Sport Museum” which was the first one in Asia. He has received the Honorary Doctor’s Degree at the Mongolian National Sport Academy in Ulaanbaatar. He deserved more than that. He is a person who has truly devoted himself to the advancement of the Olympic Movement. In addition, I wish a great success in his book.”




(First from right is Mr. Sh. Magvan)




13)             Recommendation by Dr. Chungwon Choue, President of World Taekwondo


*Summary: “I congratulate Rocky YOON Kang-Ro who has constantly served for the Olympic Movement, currently working as President of International Sport Diplomacy Institute on his book publication. He has published a book titled ‘War without Gunfire’ based on his vivid experiences in the international sport scenes. He has greatly contributed to the promotion of Korea’s prestige in the international sport stages through his participation in the Summer and Winter Olympic Games since 1982 as acting Chef de Mission of the Korean Delegations in charge of overall administrative matters with the various Organizing Committees. As he was born on the Olympic Day of 23 June, I think that he is destined to work his lifetime for the Olympic Movement, and I am confident that he will further contribute to the advancement of the Olympic Movement both at home and abroad. Rocky YOON’s various pioneering activities as well-showcased in the field of sport diplomacy will indeed play an exemplary role model for many young people who would like to work as future sport diplomats. This book would serve a very valuable references for those who wish to accurately understand the Olympic Movement and aspire to become sport diplomats in the future.” (Translated from the original Korean version)





(With Dr. Chungwon Choue)



14)              Recommendation by Mme. Els Van Breda Vriesman, IOC Member in Netherlands and FIH President


*Summary: [About Rocky YOON] “Rocky YOON who has been indisputably recognized as a remarkable contributor to the Olympic Movement nearing 30 years (as of 2006) is a true friend for all of us and trustworthy colleague with the greatest of pleasure. It was not until I noticed his well-rounded and outstanding skills and talents while we worked together as members of the IOC Evaluation Commission for 2008 Olympics that I recognized his real values. Rocky’s merits demonstrating his devoted sincerity and passion as well as his firm conviction to realize the Olympic ideals were part of core elements to come to admire and respect him toward his hidden qualities. Rocky YOON who covered almost every position and task related to sport in Korea was enough to impress all people by proving his capabilities through his immediate understanding of whatever issues arisen anytime and timely insightfulness acquired from his well-preserved experiences. It was what he always moved my heart about. It is with all my joyful heart to deliver my message of congratulations for his remarkable merits and values as an outstanding Olympic Ambassador, utilizing and mobilizing all my vocabularies.” (Retranslated from the Korean version once already translated from the original English version)




(First from Left: Els Van Breda Vriesman)





15)             Recommendation by Mme. Anita DeFrantz, IOC Member in the United States, Chair of IOC Women and Sport



*Summary: “Secretary General Rocky YOON has played a leading role as long-standing regular member of all sport-related meetings, conferences, General Assemblies, Olympic Chefs-de-Mission meetings and others. Rocky YOON has positioned himself as an exemplary leading figure and valued indispensable member by faithfully digesting and implementing universal principles of the Olympic Games coupled with his sense of humor enough to please the people around him all along.” (Retranslated from the Korean version once already translated from the original English version)






(With Mme. Anita L. DeFrantz)




16)             Recommendation by Mr. Hein Verbruggen, IOC Member in Netherlands, UCI and SportAccord President and Chairman of IOC Evaluation Commission for 2008 Olympics


*Full Text: “Dear Rocky YOON,

It is with great pleasure that I write these lines as an introduction for a book that my close friend “Rocky YOON will publish very soon. I have understood that this book will serve Koreans to get acquainted with useful and applicable English expressions for daily life. Few people would be better qualified than Rocky YOON to write such a book as he indeed has great language skills. I have been more than once in a position to admire his linguistic capacities and not only in Shakespeare’s language. Serving together on the IOC Evaluation Commission for the Candidate Cities for the 2008 Summer Olympics, I remember very well an audience we had with the French President, Mr. Jacques Chirac. Asking questions to various members, the President also turned to “Rocky”, he was answered not only in impeccable French, but also with extraordinary vocabulary-a “delicate choice of words”-as The President put it. I am therefore convinced that the uality of his book will be outstanding. Good luck, “Rocky”


Hein Verbruggen”




(With Mr. Hein Verbruggen)


(IOC Evaluation Commission’s Visit to French Presidential Palace for a Courtesy Call on President Jacques Chirac/2001)




17)             Recommendation by Ms. Barbara Kendall, IOC Member in New Zealand


*Summary: “Rocky belongs to the most splendid, colorful, and passionate group among the global Olympic Movement family members. I ask you to continue to keep up your good work and services.”






(With Ms. Barbara Kendall)




18)              Recommendation by Mme, Francoise ZWEIFEL, IOC Secretary General and Olympic Museum Director



*Summary: “For many years, I have known Rocky YOON very well in the Olympic Movement. He also demonstrated his unique passion, devotion and well-deserved merits of motivation while proceeding his job in a sustainable and flexible manner for which I always felt grateful to him toward his excellent individual qualities. Rocky has played a very important role in promoting the sport development and the advancement of the Olympic Movement not only in Korea and Asia but also in the whole world. Rocky has been a core partner for the IOC, in particular. Without thinking that we are core people, we worked hard together with open and amicable mind. Truly grateful Rocky, Please make your all-out efforts for Olympism and sport, and I wish you all the best for many years to come!” (Retranslated from the Korean version once already translated from the original English version)





(With Mme. Francoise Zweifel at my Private Sport Museum)



19) Recommendation by Mr. Tommy Sithole, IOC member in Zimbabwe, Secretary general of the ANOCA and IOC Director of International Cooperation

*Summary: “Dear Rocky, I can’t wait for your book with much expectations. If the contents of your book would be of interesting and pleasant rewarding with which you presented us during the IOC Evaluation Commission visits as the same members for the 2008 Summer Olympics, I have no doubt that your book would surely hit the jackpot. Please continue to make your hope and dream progressed as we all draw it. Then you will feel your life very fruitful and rewarding.” Retranslated from the Korean version once already translated from the original English version)


(With Mr. Tommy Sithole during the visit to Candidate Cities for the 2008 Olympics as IOC Evaluation Commission Membersat the IOC EB meeting room for the Final Report Drafting of the IOC Evaluation Visits)



  20) References by Princess Royale


*Full Text: “Dear Mr. Yoon, the princess Royale has asked me to thank you for your letter and book on Sport Diplomacy you kindly sent. Her Royal Highness has taken the book bak to her private residence to read. It was very thoughtful of you to consider sending a copy. I do hope it has been a success. The Pricess Royal sends you and your family her best wishes.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Any Briggs/Assistant Private Secretary [HRH The Princess Royal]





 21) References by Mr. Henry A. Kissinger, IOC Honor Member in the United States


*Full Text: “Dear Professor Yoon:

Thank you for sending me a copy of your book, ‘When Sport Meets the World Over Five Rings’, It gives a very interesting and complete picture of the vast amount of planning and work that goes into hosting a successful Olympics. Your enthusiasm, knowledge and experiences are a valuable resource, and I appreciate your graciousness in thinking of me.

Warm regards,


Henry A. Kissinger






22) References by HM Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, IOC Honorary Member


*Full Text: “Dear Rocky,

Thank you very much for sending me the newspaper clipping of your new position in the Mongolian NOC and the fax concerning the opening of the ISDI (International Sport Diplomacy Institute). Good to hear from you again and to find out you are spreading your Olympic wings. I must admit that I have been following recent events in your country around the NOC through the website of The Korea Times.

I am sure we will meet again and as long as you wear orange tie, I can’t miss you, Good luck on all your new endeavor!

Best wishes

Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange







23) References by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco


*Full Text: “Dear President, Mr. Rocky Kang-Ro YOON,

H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco asked me to deeply thank you for your letter dated July 20th, 2007.

His Serene Highness appreciated the quality of your candidature, of your files, and the atmosphere in which the competition took place. He encourages you keep going on and wishes you more success in the future.

He also thanks you for your kind attention in sending Him your book, ‘When Sport Meets the World Over Five Rings’ and appreciated the candidature.


With my kindest personal regards,

Sincerely yours


Joel Bouzou

Advisor to H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco




24) References by The Grand Duke of Luxembourg, IOC Member in Luxembourg


*Full Text: “Dear Sir,

The Grand Duke of Luxembourg has well received your book, ‘When Sport Meets the World Over Five Rings’, which you so kindly offered Him.

His Royal Highness highly appreciated this kind attention and desires me to send you His very best thanks for the most interesting book.


In compying with orders received, I have the honor to remain,


Yours sincerely,

Gery Meyers





25) References by Prof. Dr. h.c. Berthold BEITZ, IOC Honorary Member in Germany


*Full Text: “Dear Prof. Rocky kang-Ro YOON,

 Thank you very much for sending me your book, ‘When Sport Meets the World Over Five Rings’.

I shall read it with great interest und found with pleasure my photograph on page 103.


Best regards,


Yours sincerely,

Berthold BEITZ



(From left: SLOOC President Se-Jik PARK, IOC Vice President Berthold Beitz, IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch)




26) References by Mr. Joao HAVELANGE, Lifetime IOC Member in Brazil and FIFA President


*Full Text: “Dr. Mr. President, Rocky Kang-Ro YOON,

I received your kind letter, dated June 27, 2007 with a copy of a book entitled ‘When Sport Meets the World Over Five Rings’, which I immediately read carefully and I want to congratulates you for this episodes and stories and experiences by you.

Thanking you again for the admirable book. I send you very best regards.





(With Hon. Joao HAVELANGE and Football Emperor Pele)




27) Photo References by Hon. Ki-Moon BAN, 8th UN Secretary General



28) Photo Reference by Mr. Peter Ueberroth, LAOOC1984 & USOC President



(With Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ueberroth, President of LAOOC 1984)



29) In Memory of Dr. Jacques ROGGE, the 8th IOC President






30) In Memory of the Deceased International & Global Sports Leaders











Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)