[Update평창2018 제7차 IOC CoCom회의결산 Follow-Up후기 및 동계올림픽종목국제연맹/IFs회장 포토 갤러리]
가. 총평(회의 분위기 및 맥점)
나. Welcome and Overview by POCOG President 영문 개회사(Draft)및 폐회사(Draft)
다. IOC조정위원장 마무리 10가지 발언 중 7가지 핵심업무추진연계사항 정리
라. 과제와 지향점(Turning Challenges Into Opportunities)
마. 7개 동계올림픽종목 국제연맹(IFs)회장들 포토 갤러리
(제7차 IOC 조정위원회 회의 장면/평창 알펜시아 Convention Center)
1. 총평(회의 분위기 및 맥점)
(1) 평창2018조직위원회 결성이래 지난 5년 간 열렸던 6차례 IOC CoCom 및 6차례 IOC Project Review 등을 통해 보여 주었던 POCOG의 FA별 주제발표는 모두 한국어 만연체로 진행되어 지리하고 산만하였었음
(2) 따라서 금번 제7차 회의에서 사상처음으로 모든 발표자들이 해당 프레젠테이션 내용을 영어로 진행한 점은 “From Planning To Implementation”으로 전환되는 길목에서 POCOG의 달라진 모습 진전된 적극적 자세를 IOC및 IFs들에게 신뢰도 접목 지향점으로 자리매김하게 하고 차별화된 특징으로 평가됨
(3) 특히 이희범 조직위원장의 Welcome and Overview개회사 내용을 통해 적시된 평창2018의 최근 실적은 역동적으로 추진하고 있는 POCOG의 업무실행성과를 객관적으로 잘 대변해 주었던 것으로 사료됨
(4) 또한 이희범위원장의 개회사 표현들 중 “We are in the same boat.”는 POCOG과 IOC 및 IFs가 공동운명체로서 다양한 조직들의 단합된 협력을 지향하는 단적인 촌철살인의 심오한 메시지를 담고 있어 Gunilla Lindberg위원장도 POCOG 주최 만찬 답사에서도 즐겨 인용할 정도의 Impact가 있었으며 Thomas Bach IOC위원장의 “Unity in Diversity”메시지와도 일맥상통하는 맥점이었다고 사료됨 (Same Boat Spirit)
(5) Rene Fasel IIHF회장은 둘째 날 Sport/IFs회의를 주재하면서 위원장님의 개회사 내용에 포함되었던 “Hand in hand”과 “With One Big Heart”를 즐겨 두 세 차례나 거듭 인용하면서 평창2018성공을 함께 담보하자는 단합과 화합정신을 재차 다짐한 것으로 깊은 인상을 심어 준 것으로 사료됨
(6) 이희범위원장의 Welcome & Overview와 Closing Remarks에 담긴 진정성과 추진력 그리고 미래지향적이면서 의욕이 담긴 진취성 담긴 표현에 IOC 및 IFs관계자들로부터 감동의 파동이 느껴졌음
(7) Plenary Session 동안 이희범위원장의 업무파악과 장악력이 Lindberg 위원장을 비롯한 CoCom위원들과 IFs회장단 들에게 군계일학으로 어필된 것으로 평가되고 있음이 감지되었음
(8) 금번 IOC CoCom 총평으로 이희범위원장의 President & CEO & COO의 융 복합적 역량이 동시에 발휘된 리더십 결론도출로 집약될 수 있음
(Gunilla Lindberg IOC조정위원장과 함께/2016년 10월5일 알펜시아 IOC주최 만찬 직전)
2. Welcome and Overview by POCOG President 영문 개회사 및 폐회사
A. Welcome and Overview(6 September/Draft)
Madame Chair Gunilla Lindberg,
Distinguished IOC CoCom Members ,
Dear Presidents and Secretaries General of the Winter International Federations,
Friends and Colleagues of the Olympic Movement,
1) Greetings
(1) It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you back to PyeongChang in that this is the very first meeting since the main office of POCOG moved into the Olympic Capital of PyeongChang and after Rio2016. And this is my first IOC CoCom meeting since I took office as President and CEO of POCOG>
(2) It is all the more important that we are here together from the long planning stage to the crucial implementation stage leading up to the Games.
2.) G-500 Days To Go Events and Timely Visit by IOC President
(1) On the occasion of the G-500days to go for the Games, Dr. Thomas Bach, IOC President along with Madame Chair Gunilla Lindberg, and Christophe Dubi, IOC Executive Director for the Olympic Games has visited the main office of POCOG, and gave an impressive special lecture to the entire 850-member POCOG family.
(2) President Bach stressed the importance of the Olympic Values of Excellence, Friendship, and Respect, reiterating the essence of the Olympic Agenda 2020, the strategic roadmap of the future Olympic Movement.
(3) It clearly reflected the Olympic spirit of close collaboration, sustainability, flexibility, long-lasting legacy, passion to be connected through the Games, global friendship, K-volunteers, at the juncture of G-500 days to go from the planning to the implementation stage.
(4) On the same occasion, PyeongChang hosted the meaningful first official meeting with the three Sports-related Ministers from Korea, Japan and China, representing PyeongChang 2018, Tokyo 2020, Beijing 2022 Olympic Games consecutively to be held in Asia for the next 12years.
(5) President Bach and myself also joined and witnessed the spirit and passion of the Olympic Movement from the inter-ministerial get-together here in PyeongChang.
(6) As a result, the PyeongChang Declaration was adopted unanimously for cooperation and collaboration and co-prosperity through the exchange and sharing of know-how and experiences from the Gams in order to ensure the successful Games one after another.
(7) I can assure you that this is to realize the spirit of “Unity in Diversity” as showcased in the Olympic Agenda 2020.
3) From Planning To Implementation
(1) From today, we are embarking on our significant journey, named “From Planning to Implementation for the Games”.
(2) In order to achieve our common goal, IOC and International Federations and the POCOG and the stakeholders of the Olympic Movement should move forward together hand in hand, side by side, and with one big heart.
(3) Since I started to work as President at the POCOG from June, I focused on the pending issues and a pile of documents, page by page and line by line.
(4) As a result, many of them have been either resolved or in the process of being resolved in a close collaboration with the IOC and the relevant International Federations and National Federations.
(5) As indicated and specified in the file, we will work together even more closely to find optimal solutions for the next steps.
4) Recent Developments by POCOG
(1) As of 9 September, initial ticketing allocation strategy was announced and sent to NOCs and ATRs in due course.
(2) As recently as 22 September, the POCOG and the Bank of Korea unveiled commemorative coins for the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. And 290,500 sets comprised of gold, silver and bronze coins will be issued for sale starting from 18 November.
(3) As of 30 September, we closed down the recruitment process of K-volunteers for the Games. As a result, the total number of applicants both at home and abroad exceeded almost 4 times more than actually needed during the Games period.
(4) The final process for the relevant review and selection is well underway, with the naming and slogan of K-volunteers provisionally screened by the Selection Panel, following public applications procedures through nation-wide open competition.
(5) The 4th organizational restructuring and staffing of POCOG have been drafted in line with the operational stage leading up to the Games.
5) Test Events
(1) With the 28 Test Events quite rapidly approaching from next month till next April, the POCOG has been investing a lot of time and energy to prepare and stage in a successful and collective manner with the relevant stakeholders including all levels of Governments and National Federations.
6) Discussions and Consultations ahead
(1) From today, the POCOG is ready to report on the progress and discuss and listen to the members of the IOC Coordination Commission and the winter International Federations also in attendance at the on-going meetings, covering General Updates, Focus Areas, Parallel Sessions and Side meeting as programmed in the Agenda.
7) Closing
Therefore, may I take this opportunity to reiterate my warm welcome to Madame Chair Gunilla Lindberg and all the CoCom members and International Federations family members.
I hope our meeting for two days will be fruitful.
Thank you.
B. Closing Remarks by POCOG President (7 October/Draft)
Madame Chair Gunilla Lindberg,
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are now wrapping up our two day session of the 7th Meeting of the IOC Coordination Commission for the 23rd Olympic Winter Games, PyeongChang 2018.
During our meetings here in PyeongChang, I believe and confirm that we have become even closer friends in a warm atmosphere for a common goal as we are in the same Olympic boat.
You have physically witnessed the progress of on-going all venue construction including the venue refurbishment status in Alpensia Sliding Center, PyeongChang Olympic Village, IBC, PyeongChang Olympic Stadium, Main Office of the POCOG, as well as Gangneung Coastal Cluster Venues and Gangneung Olympic Village, and others.
During the two days meeting, we have covered a wide variety of items related to the Games operations, and confirmed what would need to be done together in the coming days and months, and at the same time we could find solutions about focus areas and even gray areas leading to better consequences.
Of course, there still remain some challenges to be overcome, and some RFPs (requests for proposal) to be sorted out not only by the IOC but also by the International Federations concerned.
Now we are ready to turning the challenges into opportunities.
Together, we can raise the bar higher.
In the meantime, may I take this opportunity to look forward to your continued support and collaboration to the great success of the PyeongChang Games in 2018 when the global Olympic passion will be connected from heart to heart.
I wish you a safe and pleasant trip back home, and see you again soon in the near future.
Again, thank you for your good job done well.
3. IOC조정위원장 마무리 10가지 발언 중심 8가지 핵심업무추진연계사항 정리
(1) NOCs Services-Level관련(TRA, ACM, AND 등) 전반적인 POCOG자체 기준설정 및 IOC와 협의에 따른 대책 마련요망(IOC 권고사항)
(2) 2017년 2월 초 각국 NOCs 참가 Chefs-de-Mission(각국 선수단장)세미나 개최관련 POCOG 측 NOCs Service Level 확정 및 협의요망(IOC 권고사항)
(3) IOC측, TE부터 가동될 MOC기능 및 업무를 대회까지 그대로 연결하여 지속적 유지운영요망(IOC 권고사항)
(4) Governance의 일환으로 MOC가 실질적 해당사안 결정회의체 기구(decision-making forum)로써 업무처리의 필수적인 효율화(essential efficiency to do the job)를 기하기 바람(IOC 권고사항)
(5) VUA 에 따른 베뉴 운영 실행계획 명확히 확정요망(IOC 권고사항)
(6) 대회 Look 등 BIL(Brand, Image, Look)활성화로 동계올림픽에 대한 대중적 관심과 흥미 증대 최적화 요망(IOC 권고사항)
(7) 성공적인 자원봉사자 프로그램을 통한 engagement활성화 및 브랜드 보호 탄력성(brand protection flexibility)유지(IOC 권고사항)
(8) 재정(FIN)운영 및 실행에 따른 최적화 방안마련 (best optimize POCOG Finance/IOC권고사항)
4. 과제와 지향점(Turning Challenges Into Opportunities)
(1) 4차 조직개편과 관련 “Long Approval Line”이 해결되어 실행(Implementation)과정에 반영요망(IOC 측 Plenary Session 중 발언)
(2) K-Volunteers모집과 선발과정 roadmap상에 2017년 3월부터 시작되도록 되어 있는 자원봉사자 교육 및 양성 Timeline과 연계하여 다음달 11월25일부터 내년 4월까지 숨가쁘게 진행될 Test Events(TE)행사 진행 Timeline간에 구체적으로 TE에 투입될 자원봉사자 요원들 선발배치 및 양성/훈련/교육 등을 위한 실행 가능한 Timeframe시급마련 요망
(3) NOCs 선수단장 매뉴얼(Chefs-de-Mission Dossier) 10월말 IOC 제출 시한 전 POCOG 내부 철저 최종 검증시급
(4) 2017년 2월 1일~3일 각국 NOCs선수단장세미나 및 대회기간 중 올림픽선수촌 내 일일(daily) 각국선수단장회의 대비 회의진행 Moderator 사전선정 및 철저준비요망
(5) 전반적인 TRA(수송)내부원칙(principles)설정 및 정립 필요(Pre-paid transport card 등)
(6) 베뉴 별 Post-Games Use 실제적인 방향설정 및 정리(Curling 베뉴 포함)등
5. 평창2018관련 7개 동계올림픽종목 국제연맹(IFs)회장 7명 포토 갤러리
1) 국제스키연맹(FIS)회장 Gian-Franco KASPER(스위스 IOC위원 겸직)
(Gian-Franco KASPER회장과 함께)
2) 국제 빙상연맹( ISU)회장 Jan DIJKEMA(신임/네덜란드) 및 직전회장 Ottavio CINQUANTA(이태리 IOC명예위원)
(Jan DIJKEMA신임회장과 함께)
(Ottavio CINQUANTA 직전회장과 함께)
3) 국제아이스하키연맹(IIHF)회장 Rene FASEL(스위스 IOC위원 겸직)
(Rene FASEL회장과 함께)
4) 국제 바이애슬론연맹(IBU)회장 Anders BESSERBERG(노르웨이)
(Anders BESSERBERG회장과 함께)
5) 세계 컬링연맹(WCF)회장 Kate CAITH(스코틀랜드/영국)
(Kate CAITH회장과 함께)
6) 국제 봅슬레이스켈레톤연맹(WBSF)회장 Ivo FERRIANI(이태리)
(Ivo FERRIANI회장과 함께)
7) 국제 루지연맹(FIL)회장 Jesef FENDT(독일)
(Jesef FENDT회장과 함께)
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