말씀과 마음씀2025. 1. 5. 11:45

[우리들교회 주일설교 말씀 요약(2025 15일 열왕기 하 161절로 9)]



[다윗과 같지 아니하여]


1) 영적 질서를 비튼다


(1)      정직의 반대는 계책(예후의 특기)이다

(2)      여호와 보시기에(at the sight of the LORD his God) 가증한 일(the detestable practices)은 이교도 산당의 (at the pagan shrines)작은 산 위에서(on the hills) 푸른 나무 아래서(under every green tree 제사 드리고 분향하는 행위(offering sacrifice and burning incense)인데 이는 주일예배대신 골프장이나 청계산 등을 산행하는 행위라고 볼 수 있다.

(3)      복사본이 원본 흉내를 내면 안되는 것이다

(4)      좋은 환경이 오면 상처가 교만이 된다

(5)      이는 해결이 안된 상처처럼 위험한 것이다

(6)      예수 발 믿으면 의를 위해 핍박당하는 것이다


2) 이기지 못하고 빼앗긴다


(7)      여호와를 버렸기 때문에 쳐들어 오는 것이다

(8)      심지어 금과 은을 바치면서 비굴하게 처신하게 되는 것(I am your servant and your vassal/당시의 심복이요 신하임)으로 뇌물을 바치면 그 사람에게 큰 소리를 못 치게 된다

(9)      하나님께로 돌이키는 회개가 답이다

(10)   하나님만이 상급인 인생을 사는 것이 답이다

(11)   불청객을 만난 사건이 주님을 만나게 되는 사건으로 축복인 것이다

(12)   회개하며 살아나야 하는 것이 비결인 것이다


3) 해석보다 해결을 구한다


(13)   이스라엘의 므나헴(Menahem)왕이 은 1천달란트를 앗수르(Assria)왕에게 조공으로 받쳤듯이, 유다왕 아하스(Ahaz)역시 앗수르왕에게 은금 등 예물을 보내 아람왕 르신(Rein)을 물리쳐 달라고 구걸하며 해석 보다는 해결을 추구한다

(14)   해석된 말씀이 있으면 어떤 사건이 와도 임마누엘이 임한 구원이 부활로 나타나는 것이다

(15)   이해할 수 없는 사건이나 용서 받을 수 없는 사건이 해석되는 것이 가치관이 바뀌는 것이다

(16)   뇌물을 주면 그 사람에게 큰 소리를 못 치게 되는 것이다

(17)   문제를 주시면서 답도 주시는 것이 해석이다

(18)   오늘 일어나는 일과 사건이 은혜임을 알고 구하면 해석이 되는 것이다

(19)   말씀으로 해석을 받는 것이 평강의 길이다

(20)   문제는 해결이 아니라 해석을 하는 것이다

(21)   인간관계가 아니고 하나님께 맡기는 것이 축복이다



Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)
스포츠 정보2025. 1. 4. 10:10
스포츠 세상2025. 1. 3. 01:04
스포츠 외교2025. 1. 2. 10:51

[Bach IOC위원장의 2025년 신년 메시지 全文(Full Transcript)]


20253월 그리스 개최 제144IOC 총회에서 IOC는 제10대 차기 IOC위원장을 선출합니다.


따라서 Bach IOC위원장은 2025년 신년 메시지가 IOC위원장으로서 마지막 신년메시지가 됩니다.


Paris2024올림픽성공개최가 Bach IOC위원장이 주관한 마지막대회이기 때문에 Paris2024올림픽에 대한 애착이 많아 보입니다.


2025년 신년메시지에도 Paris2024올림픽성공에 기여한 IOC의 노력과 다양한 성과가 Olympic Agenda개혁이 현실로 자리 잡은 새시대 올림픽의 효시라고 칭송합니다.


Bach IOC위원장 재임기간에 결정된 Milan-Cortina 2026동계올림픽과 IOC의 새로운 프로젝트로 출시된 Saudi Arabia개최 2025년 제1회 올림픽 E-Sports Games, 아프리카 최초의 Dakar2026 청소년올림픽대회를 비롯하여 LA2028올림픽 및 패럴림픽에 대한 이야기도 함께 등장합니다.


열기를 띠고 있는 2036년올림픽유치희망후보도시들과 인공지능과 올림픽의 연계 이슈와 Olympic AI Agenda가 장착될 내일의 올림픽운동에 대하여서도 전망하고 기대합니다.


“And we are walking the talk of solidarity.”(단결에 대한 말을 실천하고 있음)


그래서 저는 Bach IOC위원장에게 그분의 엄청난 노고와 업적을 칭송하는 서한을 발송하였습니다.




그중 몇 대목을 다음과 같이 함께 공유합니다:




1.  We respect you because you walk the talk. (우리는 귀하가 한 말을 실천하기 때문에 존경합니다)


2.  We admire you because you respect the rule. (우리는 귀하가 규칙을 존중하기 때문에 찬미합니다)


3.  We adore you because you create the new normal. (우리는 귀하가 새로운 기준을 정립하였기에 흠모합니다)


4.  We trust you because you keep your words. (우리는 귀하가 약속을 잘 지키기 때문에 신뢰합니다)


5.  We love you because you love world peace. (우리는 귀하가 세계평화를 사랑하기 때문에 사랑합니다)





다음은 Thomas Bach 9IOC위원장의 마지막 신년 메시지 전문을 다음과 같이 공유합니다:


[New year’s message 2025 By IOC President Thomas Bach: “Values First” (價値于先)]




[Full transcript of the IOC President’s New Year video message]


Dear Olympic friends,


What an Olympic year lies behind us. We celebrate the start of a new year with the outstanding Olympic Games Paris 2024 still fresh in our memory – the first Olympic Games to be fully aligned, inspired and delivered in line with our Olympic Agenda reforms from start to finish.


These were truly Olympic Games of a new era: the youngest, most urban, most inclusive, most sustainable Olympic Games ever. These were also the first-ever Olympic Games with full gender parity.


These Olympic Games captured the hearts and minds of the people around the globe: around 5 billion followed them, making these the most followed Olympic Games ever. Despite all the geopolitical tensions, we were able to bring together the athletes from the territories of all 206 National Olympic Committees and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team. They competed fiercely against each other.


At the same time, they lived peacefully together under one roof in the Olympic Village, even if many of their countries are at war. The athletes showed us how our world would be, if we all were to live in the Olympic spirit of peaceful co-existence. They created a culture of peace. In this way our Olympic Agenda became a reality.


Based on this success, we can build our future together. This future is looking very bright indeed: thanks to Olympic Agenda, interest in the Olympic Games is reaching new heights.


We currently have a double-digit figure of countries and NOCs on four continents interested in hosting Olympic Games in 2036, and some even in 2040 and beyond. At the start of this new year – indeed, at the start of a new Olympiad – we have every reason to look ahead with much anticipation and confidence to what the future has in store for us: Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026; Youth Olympic Games Dakar 2026; Olympic and Paralympic Games Los Angeles 2028 - and the first-ever Olympic Esports Games in Saudi Arabia.


We are also well underway when it comes to setting the course for the digital future of the Olympic Movement. With the creation of Olympic Esports Games, we are entering a new era, keeping pace with the digital revolution, reaching new audiences and going to where the young people are – this time in the digital world of esports. Another way we are future-proofing the world of sport is the launch of our Olympic AI Agenda. The rapid development of artificial intelligence is affecting every aspect of our lives. This is why it was so vital that we have started to seize these opportunities.


With our Olympic AI Agenda, we are breaking new ground, by providing a holistic approach of how the world of sport can harness the benefits of AI in a responsible way. Our values are at the heart of this approach as well. This means: we are taking a human-centred approach, with the athlete at the heart of our Olympic AI Agenda. It also means: we will live up to our commitment to equality through solidarity by making the benefits of AI accessible to everyone in the Olympic Movement. Not just for a privileged few - but for everyone in our Olympic community.


In our difficult times, with wars and conflict on the rise, we need our Olympic values more than ever. There is a new world order in the making. In these times, our Olympic Movement has a unique and important role – because the Olympic Games are the only event that still manages to bring the entire world together in peaceful competition. We can only achieve this through our full commitment to equality through solidarity.


This is why the IOC supports the equal and just development of sport everywhere. We do not support just a handful of privileged few. We support all the athletes from all 206 National Olympic Committees and every single International Federation in the Olympic Movement. Solidarity for us means: in the Olympic Movement, there is no “global south” or “global north”. In our Olympic community, we are all equal. And we are walking the talk of solidarity. Despite the existing disruptions of the global economy, we have secured great financial stability for our Olympic Movement.


For the Olympiad that has come to an end, we will distribute 6.8 billion US dollars to the Olympic community. In other words, every day of the year, 4.7 million dollars go to support athletes and the just and equal development of sport around the world. Based on the revenues already secured for the next two Olympiads, and the many projects that are in the pipeline, the outlook is extremely positive – and this means that our distribution will even increase during this Olympiad 2025 to 2028.


In anticipation of this, we have already increased our Olympic Solidarity budget by 10 per cent to 650 million dollars for this new Olympiad. We will continue the distribution of a minimum of 90 per cent of our revenues. This is just another demonstration that for our Olympic Movement, money is not an end in itself. For our Olympic Movement, money is just a tool for solidarity –a tool to mitigate the inequalities of this world. For the IOC, it is always “Values First”. It is only by walking the talk of solidarity and by living our Olympic values – the values of solidarity, equality, human dignity for all – that we can bring the entire world together in peace.


Dear Olympic friends,


Since this is my last new year’s message as IOC President, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the entire Olympic community.


Thank you for your support, your solidarity, your love and friendship that have carried me throughout my presidency. Even during the most difficult times, we could overcome the many complex challenges by being united, by standing together. It is thanks to this unity and solidarity that we could lead our Olympic Movement to where we are today. For this, I am immensely grateful to you.


We all share our commitment and passion for our beloved Olympic Movement. We all want to see it shining even brighter in the future. This is why I ask you to offer to my successor the same spirit of solidarity and friendship that I was so fortunate to enjoy over the many years. Also in this new Olympiad, let us live our Olympic motto: Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together. In this true Olympic spirit of solidarity and peace, I wish you all a very happy new year, from the bottom of my heart.




Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)
스포츠 외교2025. 1. 1. 18:33

[New Year’s Greetings 2025]






을사년 새해 아침이 밝았습니다. (New Year’s morning has broken.)


지난 해 보여주셨던 호의와 관심에 깊은 감사 드립니다.


새해에는 建安 하시고 平安 하시고 소망하시는 일들이 모두 성취되기를 기원합니다.


感謝 윤강로 拜上


Dear Global Sport-Loving Friends,

As the New Year’s morning has broken, I would like to take this opportunity to send to you my personal New Year’s Greetings 2025.


In particular, I am most grateful to you for what you have shared with me so far. “I am because of you!”


My life experiences are telling me as the Bible says, “Love your neighbors like yourself, do good deeds, take care of those who are in need, help others whenever you can.” Otherwise we will all regret afterwards. Because life is but an empty dream after all.


At the farewell reception of the Seoul Olympic Legacy Forum held on 23 October 2024, I was asked to propose a toast:


As one and only person who has been deeply engaged and involved both in the Seoul1988 Olympic Organizing Committee and the PyeongChang2028 Olympic Winter Games Organizing Committee, I am very delighted to propose a toast for all participants attending the 2024 Seoul Olympic Legacy Forum.


As Aristotle once said, we are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Legacy is a form of sustainable habit. So we belong to Excellence group.

The fundamental values in the new era would be Resilience, Adaptability, Creativity, Flexibility, a high rate of learning, and certainly Familiarity of the tools, such as AI and state-of-the art technology equipment.


As the old saying dictates, “When it comes to M.S. and the Speech, the shorter, the better.


Sustainability is Legacy, and Legacy is ESG. ESG is for SGDs. Therefore, now I propose a toast. When I say “ESG-oriented SDGs, then you say “Legacy”!


Partnership is embracing, and embracing is sharing, and sharing is gathering, and gathering is the essence of the Olympic values and philosophy of Baron Pierre de Coubertin who emphasized the importance of Education through Sport while enjoying Sport and Art working together.


As one of the Korean Olympic Community members, I have been deeply engaged and involved in both Organizing Committees of the Seoul1988 Olympics and PyeongChang2028 Olympic Winter Games, I am very much honored and privileged to represent together with you the human Olympic legacy of the Global Olympic Movement and beyond.  Heritage is contextualized as Legacy, and Legacy is Sustainability, and Sustainability is an essence of ESG-oriented SDGs, together.


(Third from left is Rocky YOON with his right hand raised as a sign of welcome to Seoul 1988 Games at the Closing Ceremonies of LA1984 Olympics)


“More Vividly, Impressively, Precisely, Together!”


In the meantime, may I avail myself of this writing to wish you all the best not only New Year 2025 alone but also for many years to come.


May God bless you!


Sincerely yours,


Rocky Kang-Ro YOON

President of International Sport Diplomacy Institute and

Member of IOC Culture and Olympic Heritage Commission


Posted by 윤강로 (Rocky YOON)